Sunday, March 04, 2007

Room 174 - Madonna Inn

Room 174 - Madonna Inn
Originally uploaded by domfells.
This is the room which Anne made me stay in during our road trip from Los Angeles to San Francisco.

It's the Madonna Inn, near to San Luis Obispo on Route 1 (Pacific Coast Highway).

It is one of the oddest motels/hotels that you could ever choose to stay at. Each of the 112 rooms is decorated completely differently, as you can see from their website

It made Anne very happy, and it broke my kitsch-o-meter.

We have now made it to San Francisco after a beautiful drive up the remainder of Route 1 -- and a very slow and frustrating drive around the city centre; unfortunately we hadn't realised that tonight is the annual Chinese New Year Parade hence loads of closed streets and masses of traffic! But we eventually made it to our hotel and then out for dinner.

Tomorrow the sight seeing begins in earnest!

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